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  •   2 min read

The countdown is on and with only four days left until the big day you can imagine how Kate Middleton and Prince William must be feeling. All eyes will be on them this Friday.

Final preparations are being made so that London looks perfect for the Royal Wedding and so if you are in the city on this day you will get a real feel for British culture. Regent Street has been covered in Union Jacks and the city is being prepared to receive huge crowds from all over the UK and further afield to celebrate and catch a glimpse of the most important event to take place in British history in a long time.

Will you be in London this Friday? Do you plan to watch the wedding? Here is a map and short video of the royal procession route.

View Royal Wedding procession in a larger map

If you stand anywhere along this route you should be able to catch a glimpse of the royal family and bride to be. There will also be giant screens broadcasting the wedding in Hyde Park and Trafalgar Square.

The bride will be leaving the Goring Hotel for Westminster Abbey at 10.51 a.m. and will arrive at 11.00 a.m. to begin the ceremony. So make sure you get there on time.

Also make sure you try and get to Buckingham Palace for 1.25 p.m. to see the Queen, the bride and bridegroom, and their families, appear on the balcony.

Getting to London and transport on the day

Getting to London is the easy part as it is home to one of the biggest airports in the world and easyJet connects the city with destinations all over Europe. According to the UK Government’s official website, all the Tube lines will be operating as normal on the 29 April and there will even be a limited-edition Oyster card to commemorate the marriage. Perhaps that would be a good souvenir to take home with you?

One of the things that we think tourists will like the most about being in London for the occasion is the chance to take part in the street parties organised throughout the city. There will be stalls where you can buy flags and all sorts of momentums.

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