All of the following travel-size games are perfect ways to pass the time when you’re headed out on your next adventure. Unfortunately none of these games can be played alone, so if you’re not traveling in a group, you better start making friends with your neighbors!
Drop us a line below with your pass-the-time tricks!
What about Bejeweled and Angry Birds?
Thank you for the great game and app suggestions, Chelsea! I recently took
a position with DISH which requires a lot of air travel, and I have been
looking for good apps to pass the time in the terminal and in the air (I’ll
remember the board games when I travel with the kids). I love Tetris and Brick
breaker, so I might have to ad those to my tablet. The best time killing app I have
found so far would be the DISH Remote Access App. I use it to stream live TV
and DVR recordings from my Hopper DVR to my phone. In just a few weeks it feels
like I have spent days waiting out flight delays and I would have gone insane
if I didn’t have that app to distract me.