The countdown to Halloween continues, only this time, we are just a few days away! Have you been thouroughly frightenend by ghost stories, horror movies and spooky sights? That is, after all, part of the fun of the holiday. We’ve been keeping the holiday spirit alive with incredible photo features of some of the world’s most hauntingly beautiful abandoned places. Haungtingly Beautiful Photos Of Abandoned Places Part One, was kicked off with abandoned locations including the ghost town of Beliche, Spain and our part two of the series featured the desolate Beelitz Hospital in Germany, among other eerie photographs. We are still in full swing of the Halloween spookiness and are introducing our final installment in the photo series. This time, we’re touring the abandoned grand Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino in Cambodia, a club ravashed by fire and many others. If you thought our previous installements were good, you will love the final set!
Abandoned Olympic Pool in Berlin

Abandoned Baroque Theater

Abandoned Factory in Milan, Italy

Destruction of Hurricane Katrina at an Amusement Park

Abandoned Italian Villa

Burned Down Club

Abandoned Ducor Hotel Monrovia, Liberia, after the Civil War

Abandoned Building in Liverpool

Tower of an Abandoned Cooling Plant in Brussels

Abandoned Pripyat Hospital

Abandoned Bokor Palace Hotel and Casino, Cambodia

Abandoned Guild Theater, Detroit

Abandoned Hotel Igloo, Alaska

Abandoned Home and Garden

Abandoned School, Holley, New York