We all know the reasons for why we travel: travel inspires us, and we’re curious about how others live, what they eat, what they do in their spare time, what their lifestyles are like. In order to explore these things we need to travel, and if you travel you are tourist. But sometimes being a tourist is exactly what stops us from really getting to the heart of a new place.
When we choose a restaurant recommended by the tourist guide, when we take photos of the typical sights, or when we wander around all the city’s national museums we are simply doing what every other vistor does. This is why you should see the second video in our Breaking Stereotypes series: Berlin. Share it with family, friends and anyone who is thinking of visiting the dynamic German Capital.
Sure, everyone should pay a visit to Checkpoint Charlie and Alexanderplatz, but this video will also open you up to the alternative side to Berlin. From vintage shopping to grafitti art. Berlin is a city with a huge history, and one of the most influential in European politics – but it’s also a lot of fun!
Check out the Berlin Guide video and let us know what you think…
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47iMoejAJ5c[/embedyt]If you liked this you may want to check out our video on Breaking Stereotypes in Barcelona.